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Introducing Cultural-E sister project Synikia

13 partners across the EU have teamed up to create environment-friendly, resilient, safe and affordable living places and communities. 

Synikia is a 4-year Horizon 2020 funded project that aims to increase the share of sustainable neighbourhoods with surplus renewable energy in different contexts, climates and markets in Europe. 

The project concept relies on the interplay between novel technologies at the neighbourhood scale; integrated energy design; energy efficiency & flexibility; good architectural & spatial qualities; sustainable behaviour and citizen engagement. 

To demonstrate the functionality of the plus-energy neighbourhood concept for the rest of Europe, Synikia team will develop 4 real-life Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods in Norway, Spain, The Netherlands and Austria. These demo neighbourhoods will aim to achieve: 

•Over 100% energy savings 

•90% renewable energy generation triggered 

•100% GHG emission reduction 

•10% life cycle costs reduction* 

Syn.ikia will speed-up technological developments for energy efficiency, RES, storage, flexibility and exploitation to all relevant market actors. 

Visit or contact the team at to find out more! 

*compared to nZEB levels.